TG$ Community Guidelines

Last Modified: October 1, 2023


We at Treasure Game$, LLC (TG$) have the goal to make our world a better place. We are global citizens and we give back to our community so that our community has the means to give back to their community, which in turn makes our world a better place for everyone. We invest in people that are working to make the world better for all of humanity. When you join our community, you are joining our effort to make this world a better place for all. We are also a community of families and friends. We are all humans, and we all want happiness and security for us and our loved ones. Your User Content and engagement with our platform must be respectful to others, family friendly for everyone in our community to enjoy, and your involvement must support our community building and uniting goals.

The Golden Rule

It is our belief that, at our core, we humans intrinsically know how to love, laugh, and have fun. Our Community Guidelines for our family friendly community can be simply summed up in the following:

  1. Treat yourself with love and kindness.
  2. Treat others as you wish to be treated.

We will remove any content that is not loving towards yourself or others, and thereby in violation of our Community Guidelines. We may also decide to suspend and/or terminate the account associated with the content that is in violation of our Community Guidelines. Further, we may cancel any earned achievements, awards, or winnings of a user in violation of our Community Guidelines. If you are connected to a person who violates our community guidelines in a way that contributes to their behavior, you may be suspended or terminated from the platform.

Reporting Violations of our Community Guidelines

If you see content that you believe violates our Community Guidelines, please submit a Community Guidelines Violation Report through the Report button in Watch or through our Contact Page.

Our Guidelines

Be Respectful and Follow All Engagement Agreements and Rules.

Respecting yourself and other players is an absolute must when playing games provided by TG$ and using TG$ Services. The TG$ platform is meant to be uplifting, positive, and bring people together. Please follow the guidelines and treat others with respect.

As part of following the TG$ Community Guidelines, do not:

  • Harass, bully, harm or threaten to harm, abuse, defame, or stalk other users.
  • Engage in hate speech or discrimination.
  • Obtain or share personal information of other users without their knowledge and consent. This includes videoing or photographing other users without their permission.
  • Share information about another user’s identity, including their name, phone number, email, address, and present location. In sum, respect the privacy of others.
  • Impersonate or falsely represent other people or brands.
  • Go on private residential property when engaging with TG$ products and services.
  • Go on private commercial property without authorized permission.
  • Damage any property or harm any person in any way.
  • Violate the Participation Agreement and rules in any way.

Follow the Law

As you traverse the real world, please follow the applicable laws. Please also be cognizant of your surroundings, of other players, and non-players in your vicinity. Always be aware of any potential hazards or dangerous situations or restricted areas. Do not trespass. Do not operate our games while driving a vehicle or personal transportation device.

Please report unlawful behavior to the local authorities immediately. If you personally are in danger, or if you suspect another person is in danger, please contact the local authorities immediately.


We do not allow any hateful behavior, hate speech, or discrimination. Such content may include:

  • Content that is explicitly, implicitly, or promotional of hateful or discriminatory behavior. This includes any hateful or discriminatory content which may be based on another person’s identity, physical characteristics, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, or any other characteristic or factors.
  • Content that is antagonistic in nature, including bullying, abusive behavior, defamation, or harassment. This includes any such content directed to humans or animals. Content that promotes, encourages, or is affiliated with unlawful activity, violence, or terrorism.
  • Content that is explicitly or implicitly sexual in nature.
  • Content that is graphic in nature, including gore, violence, disturbing scenes, blood, or other graphic imagery.
  • Any content in violation of our Terms of Service or other Participation Agreements/Rules.

Fair Play – Do Not Cheat

We provide games that are winnable by any player, and we do not allow cheating in any form so that our games are fair for every player. Do not engage in cheating, including:

  • Utilizing unapproved software or bugs in approved software to obtain an unfair advantage.
  • Altering or faking your location (“spoofing”).
  • Buying, selling, or trading information or accounts.
  • Falsifying information or promoting false information.
  • Hacking or attempting to reverse engineer our information process and systems.
  • Using AI to beat the game play process in any way.
  • Sharing passwords to attempt to exploit beyond the 2 registered devices.
  • Do not share game specific treasure locating info outside the platform.
  • Keep in mind that the values of our treasures are significant, and cheating of any kind can result in felony level charges.
  • And to help avoid any temptations to cheat at our games, keep in mind that, in today’s world, people talk and share their thoughts on social media all the time.
  • Cheaters will be caught, so play fair and win by working at solving the clues and using skill and ethical effort.


TG$ monitors content via monitoring software, user reports, and a team of people dedicated to providing a fair game and family friendly services to our users.

We reserve the right to remove any content and/or account holder from our platform that has violated our community guidelines, as determined in our sole discretion. If you are found to be in violation of our Community Guidelines, we may issue a warning, limit your engagement experience, reverse or cancel any winnings, suspend your account, permanently terminate your account with or without a warning, or even ban you from using any TG$ Services with or without warning.

TG$ Community Culture

TG$ is not a place for opinions and politics. There are plenty of other platforms for those expressions. TG$ is a platform for family friendly entertainment and fun. Please always keep that in mind and act accordingly. TG$ aims to be uplifting for all and to bring humanity together in a positive, fun environment. Please help us create that environment by your actions, contributions, and involvement.

Thank you and Happy Treasure Hunting!

TG$ Team